Saturday, April 30, 2011

Free 3D Excitebike coming with 3DS update

Nintendo shows it is serious about pushing the 3DSs eShop

A Nintendo investor briefing shows the company is planning to lure people into updating their 3DS system by giving away Excitebike for free.

The copy of Excitebike will be downloadable for a limited time only after the May update through the Nintendo eShop and it will be a “3D Classic”, meaning a 3D enhanced version of the original NES game.

The freebie is not yet confirmed for outside of Japan but it seems likely we will get it as well given Nintendo’s past free offerings on the DSi (eg: Flipnote Studio).

Nintendo has also revealed it plans to expand the Virtual Console on the 3DS to include other platforms, which practically tells us we will see the GBA at some stage.

The 3DS’s big update will drop sometime next month and will include the other half of the system’s firmware we’ve been missing since launch – the web browser and the eShop.

Source: Nintendo investor briefing


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