Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Xbox 360 reports a 'total fabrication' says EA

Games developer EA has moved quickly to dismiss reports on Friday suggesting it is already in possession of the next generation Microsoft Xbox console.

A news item on Develop had claimed that the next generation console was already "on desks at EA" ahead of a surprise launch at E3 next month.

"The new hardware, sent to EA last month, is a very early build with no casing ? it is in fact being stored inside a PC shell," claimed the report.

However, Electronic Arts spokesman Jeff Brown told IndustryGamers that "This story is a total fabrication ? 100 per cent not true."

Xbox 720?

The launch of an Xbox 720, or whatever Microsoft decide to call the 360s successor, at E3 is highly unlikely, with most industry insiders predicting that it won't arrive until 2014.

The biggest story from next month's expo in Los Angeles is likely to be the launch of Nintendo's Wii 2. There's been zero speculation of a new Mircosoft console up until this point.


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