Saturday, July 30, 2011

News: Duke Nukem PC patch increases gun slots

"Could not" map more to controller.

A PC update for 3/10 shooter Duke Nukem Forever will double its weapon inventory from two to four, developer Gearbox has revealed.

But there are no immediate plans for console editions to get the patch, a post by Gearbox community manager Chris Faylor explained.

Initial Duke developer 3D Realms has previously drawn fire for its decision to limit PC gamers to carrying two guns.



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Nintendo Download Update: Talk about a Hole in One

Sport theme this week, if you own a 3DS that is - otherwise no soup for you

Another week of updates and yet another week of nothing for Australian Wii owners. No Virtual Console and no WiiWare titles - none. Well at least Nintendo is making these things easier to write for me, I only have to tell you about two things this week. How about that!

3DS eShop

Lets Golf 3D (Gameloft, $9.00) - Whats this? An original game on the eShop thats not a 30-year-old Game Boy game? You better believe it. The DSiWare version which came out a while back was pretty good and since Gameloft are pretty much just copying Everyones Golf, it cant be that bad.

3DS Virtual Console

Baseball (Nintendo, Game Boy, $4.50) - We went and did something quite crazy this week, we did a review of the game. So you can get 400 words of me explaining this one very soon. Hint: its not that good anymore.


Nothing, unless you switch your console to the European store, then you can get Successfully Learning German: Year 5 on the Wii, DSi Shop and eShop. GO Series: Portable Shrine Wars and Artillery: Knights vs. Orcs are also on the DSi Shop and eShop. Remember, changing your region on the Wii will mean you lose your Points, but on the eShop it wont.


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Friday, July 29, 2011

News: WH40K: Kill Team dated for PSN

Ork massacre kicks off next month.

Top-down shooter Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team arrives on PlayStation Network on 10th August, THQ has announced.

Released on Xbox Live Arcade earlier this month, it'll set you back �6.29/�7.99.

Intended as a quick appetiser for the Space Marine main event later this year, it sees your team of grunts dispatched to a giant Ork Kroozer to unleash all manner of mayhem on its green-skinned crew.



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TuneWiki music app hits iOS devices

TuneWiki has made a bit of a name for itself as a leading music app on Android and Symbian phones, and today it tries its luck in the more crowded waters of the Apple App Store for iPhones and...


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Sony S1 and S2 teaser shows off gaming capabilities

The third teaser for Sony's upcoming S1 and S2 tablets has been released and it showcases some of the tablets' multimedia capabilities.

The first video tease polarised those who watched it, mainly due to it taking an 'arty' approach to showing off the tablets.

The second teased a little more with Sony keeping its tablet cards close to its chest and opting not to reveal any real details.

But now it's third time lucky: okay, it's still based around a silly domino theme but we do see a little bit more, with the latest video showing off an ereader app and Crash Bandicoot playing on the S2.

This is the first time we have seen how gaming would work on the clamshell tablet ? Sony had already explained to us that the top screen will display the game while the bottom screen displays a virtual d-pad for control; but this is the first time we've seen it in action.

Sony tablets

As Crash Bandicoot is one of the PSOne titles that has been ported on to the Xperia Play it is also safe to assume that this is the level of game quality you can expect from the S2 tablet.

There is also a sneak peek at the S2's ereader functionality. As it is a clamshell you will be able to read an ebook like a proper book.

Sony is staying very tight-lipped over just what specs the Sony S1 and S2 will have. TechRadar did manage to get up close with the tablets but Sony decided to show them to us turned off and surrounded by thick sheets of Perspex.


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News: Sony: PSN cyber attack bill shrinking

"Not as great as originally estimated."

The financial impact of the PlayStation Network "cyber attack" will "not be be as great as we originally estimated", Sony has this morning revealed.

In May, Sony estimated that costs associated with the PSN cyber attack would be 14 billion yen (�105 million).

"That was the May forecast," said executive vice president and chief financial officer Masaru Kato. "The first quarter cost was within our expected range."



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News: Crytek working on new FPS IP � report

Plus, abandoned Redemption shooter outed.

Crysis 2 developer Crytek is hard at work on a brand new FPS franchise, according to a developer CV.

The LinkedIn profile of a gameplay programmer at the studio, spotted by eagle-eyed Tweeter Superannuation, mentions work carried out on a "new IP, shooter genre, TBA title for Xbox360, PS3 and PC".

The same CV also mentions another FPS project � also a new IP � that he worked on for six months before the title was cancelled.



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