Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pokmon big-wig hints at more Pokmon goodness headed our way

We might be enjoying some new Pokmaterial on the portable scene very soon

Famitsu reports this week that Pokémon Company CEO, Tsunekazu Ishihara, has hinted at a new Pokémon title this year. Ishihara tells us that, in addition to Pokedex 3D and Super Pokémon Scramble, Poké Co. has things that will surprise players as much as the first half of the year.

Ishihara was cagey on details, so we dont know for sure whether its going to be Pokémon Grey, another spinoff, or something altogether different. Ishihara is determined to keep DS players happy as well as showing how concepts can be expanded on 3DS.

Speculation runs rampant on Ishiharas comments, with many wondering if there will be a Pokémon title with cross-connectivity between DS and 3DS.

What do the denizens of Vooks want from the Poképeople? Sound off in the comments below!

Source: Andriasang


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