Saturday, July 30, 2011

News: Duke Nukem PC patch increases gun slots

"Could not" map more to controller.

A PC update for 3/10 shooter Duke Nukem Forever will double its weapon inventory from two to four, developer Gearbox has revealed.

But there are no immediate plans for console editions to get the patch, a post by Gearbox community manager Chris Faylor explained.

Initial Duke developer 3D Realms has previously drawn fire for its decision to limit PC gamers to carrying two guns.



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Nintendo Download Update: Talk about a Hole in One

Sport theme this week, if you own a 3DS that is - otherwise no soup for you

Another week of updates and yet another week of nothing for Australian Wii owners. No Virtual Console and no WiiWare titles - none. Well at least Nintendo is making these things easier to write for me, I only have to tell you about two things this week. How about that!

3DS eShop

Lets Golf 3D (Gameloft, $9.00) - Whats this? An original game on the eShop thats not a 30-year-old Game Boy game? You better believe it. The DSiWare version which came out a while back was pretty good and since Gameloft are pretty much just copying Everyones Golf, it cant be that bad.

3DS Virtual Console

Baseball (Nintendo, Game Boy, $4.50) - We went and did something quite crazy this week, we did a review of the game. So you can get 400 words of me explaining this one very soon. Hint: its not that good anymore.


Nothing, unless you switch your console to the European store, then you can get Successfully Learning German: Year 5 on the Wii, DSi Shop and eShop. GO Series: Portable Shrine Wars and Artillery: Knights vs. Orcs are also on the DSi Shop and eShop. Remember, changing your region on the Wii will mean you lose your Points, but on the eShop it wont.


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Friday, July 29, 2011

News: WH40K: Kill Team dated for PSN

Ork massacre kicks off next month.

Top-down shooter Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team arrives on PlayStation Network on 10th August, THQ has announced.

Released on Xbox Live Arcade earlier this month, it'll set you back �6.29/�7.99.

Intended as a quick appetiser for the Space Marine main event later this year, it sees your team of grunts dispatched to a giant Ork Kroozer to unleash all manner of mayhem on its green-skinned crew.



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TuneWiki music app hits iOS devices

TuneWiki has made a bit of a name for itself as a leading music app on Android and Symbian phones, and today it tries its luck in the more crowded waters of the Apple App Store for iPhones and...


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Sony S1 and S2 teaser shows off gaming capabilities

The third teaser for Sony's upcoming S1 and S2 tablets has been released and it showcases some of the tablets' multimedia capabilities.

The first video tease polarised those who watched it, mainly due to it taking an 'arty' approach to showing off the tablets.

The second teased a little more with Sony keeping its tablet cards close to its chest and opting not to reveal any real details.

But now it's third time lucky: okay, it's still based around a silly domino theme but we do see a little bit more, with the latest video showing off an ereader app and Crash Bandicoot playing on the S2.

This is the first time we have seen how gaming would work on the clamshell tablet ? Sony had already explained to us that the top screen will display the game while the bottom screen displays a virtual d-pad for control; but this is the first time we've seen it in action.

Sony tablets

As Crash Bandicoot is one of the PSOne titles that has been ported on to the Xperia Play it is also safe to assume that this is the level of game quality you can expect from the S2 tablet.

There is also a sneak peek at the S2's ereader functionality. As it is a clamshell you will be able to read an ebook like a proper book.

Sony is staying very tight-lipped over just what specs the Sony S1 and S2 will have. TechRadar did manage to get up close with the tablets but Sony decided to show them to us turned off and surrounded by thick sheets of Perspex.


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News: Sony: PSN cyber attack bill shrinking

"Not as great as originally estimated."

The financial impact of the PlayStation Network "cyber attack" will "not be be as great as we originally estimated", Sony has this morning revealed.

In May, Sony estimated that costs associated with the PSN cyber attack would be 14 billion yen (�105 million).

"That was the May forecast," said executive vice president and chief financial officer Masaru Kato. "The first quarter cost was within our expected range."



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News: Crytek working on new FPS IP � report

Plus, abandoned Redemption shooter outed.

Crysis 2 developer Crytek is hard at work on a brand new FPS franchise, according to a developer CV.

The LinkedIn profile of a gameplay programmer at the studio, spotted by eagle-eyed Tweeter Superannuation, mentions work carried out on a "new IP, shooter genre, TBA title for Xbox360, PS3 and PC".

The same CV also mentions another FPS project � also a new IP � that he worked on for six months before the title was cancelled.



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Namco follows Capcoms lead with save file madness and then some

Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions to only have one save file, leaderboards also essentially useless

After the backlash that Resident Evil: Mercenaries caused with its singular save file, you wouldn’t think another company would be game enough to do it again right? Well, you’d be wrong. According to a report from, not only does the cartridge prohibit itself to be reset, but Namco Bandai has gone one further by essentially making the leaderboards in the game useless.

Unlike every other iteration of Pac-Man out there, this version only logs your most recent high score and doesn’t include a leaderboard. That means if you don’t get as much as you did on your best run you won’t know how far you were off as it only stores the top record. This high score obviously can’t be restarted either, nor can the achievements system the game has built-in, or any of the extras you unlock.

The game has just been released in America today and will be out in Australia on the 25th of August. Anyone picking this up disappointed by this move? Does it affect your purchasing decision?




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EA: 'Apple iPad is fastest-growing game platform'

EA has revealed that the Apple iPad is its fastest-growing game platform, suggesting that the dominance of the home console in the games industry is finally coming to an end.

While home consoles made up around 80 per cent of the games business a decade ago, they now make up around half that.

iPad gaming growth

EA CEO John Riccitiello revealed this telling fact to website IndustryGamers this week, following the company's recent announcement of better-than-expected financial results.

"Consoles today are 40 per cent of the game industry, so what do we really have?," said the EA boss. "We have a new hardware platform and we're putting out software every 90 days. Our fastest growing platform is the iPad right now and that didn't exist 18 months ago.

"Every 5 years you'd see a new console or platform from everybody at about the same time with about the same or similar upgrades or services. You'd sort of harvest it and then it'd cycle back. We got used to it. It's what seemed normal. But it's not a particularly smart way to run an industry? bulges in technology investment followed by harvest.

"I would argue that there's more to be provided in terms of value for the consumer in micro-transactions and social experiences and driving those better in cross-platform gameplay between a console and a PC and a handheld device and a social network than there is supercharging graphics."

What now for the PS4 or Xbox 720?

EA has already published over 30 major titles for the iPad, getting a good head-start on its competition, with Riccitiello's indicating that there are lots more planned and in development over the coming year.

Nintendo has, of course, already announced a successor the the Wii in the shape of the dual-screened Wii U console.

However, might all of this new focus by major gaming publishers on non-console platforms mean that we won't be seeing an Xbox 720 or a PlayStation 4 anytime soon? We may well have to wait until E3 2012 next June to get a good steer on that million-dollar question.


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News: Sega sees red as sales fall

"Headwind-like sluggish consumption."

Sega sales are down across the board, leading to an overall loss of 2.224 billion yen (�17.6 million) for the three months April, May and June.

During the same period last year, Sega recorded a profit of 7.036 billion yen (�55.6 million).

Why did this happen? Sales were lower and costs were higher. Sega made 28.5 per cent less this financial Q1 than the same period last year. The take for April to June 2011 was 65,331 yen (�516 million).



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HTC Bliss: The (unwarranted) return of the girly phone

When it came to phones, we thought we'd seen the end of the tech gender divide. Hadn't the unnecessary (and downright offensive) pink and sparkly "girly" phone died out with the demise of the feature phone and the rise of...


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'Dragon Age 2' Removed From Steam, EA Blames 'Restrictive Terms'

Early in June, a funny thing happened. "Crysis 2," published by EA, suddenly disappeared from the Steam store. There was no explanation as to why the game had mysteriously vanished, and the only explanation came from an intentionally vague comment from EA, stating that Valve had booted the game from the service. This week, if [...]


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Developer: PS Vita has 'ten times' more RAM than PSP

While Sony remains tight-lipped about the exact amount of RAM it plans to put in the forthcoming new PlayStation Vita handheld, one developer has revealed this week that the new console has "about ten times" the amount of RAM that was in the original PSP.

Developers have been privy to the Vita developer kits, but are supposed to have agreed not to discuss the details with anyone.

However, developer Dani S�nchez-Crespo, the CEO of PSP games studio Novarama, spoke to Develop magazine this week, revealing that, "The first PSP had 32 MG of RAM and we have about ten times that now."

Ten times more RAM

The developer added that PS Vita will "have a whole lot of headroom in terms of GPU power, CPU power and indeed RAM."

Sony is alleged to have cut back its original plans to include 512 MB of RAM in the PS Vita, but S�nchez-Crespo told Develop that the alleged RAM cut "won't affect us."

He added, "it's actually good for developers to work under constraint. Generally for Vita, we still have a whole lot of headroom in terms of GPU power, CPU power and indeed RAM.

"And the system's battery life, by the way, is really good. You'd think with all the processing power that it would drain fast, but it's fantastic.

"Remember, more hardware features means more costs for buying the handheld. Our main interest is for Sony to sell a lot of [PS Vita] units. Clearly the Sony guys in Japan have a tough job of what to leave in and what to leave out."

Sony is clearly walking a fine line between squeezing the best and most-powerful tech into its latest handheld gaming console while ensuring that it keeps the launch price-point as low and competitive as possible.


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Valve reveals faster downloads on Steam

Valve has announced a number of new tweaks to Steam, which has made the game download service that little bit faster.

In a blog post, Valve explains that it was focusing on making the core of its service ? which is downloads in case you have been living in a non-internet-enabled cave ? speedier and a lot more effective.

Given the millions of people that use Steam, any improvement in its servers would be welcomed, especially if it meant that the whole download process was speeded up.

Streamline? Steamline more like

"The new content system is designed to do two things: deliver better download rates in more places around the world, and also to simply streamline the publishing process on Steam, ultimately making it possible to ship more games than we would have been able to with the old system," said the post.

"Over time, more and more of the content on Steam will be delivered using this new system," Valve explained.

"Soon, Dota 2 will be delivered using it. In the meantime, if you'd like to try out this new content system you can do so right now; if you download a 1280x720 (HD) trailer from the store, it will happen via the new content system."

Valve has also made downloading updates to games easier. Instead of having to download whole files for a game update, it will decipher what is the new part of the file and just update this.

It's the little things...


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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Updated: Xbox 720: every rumour about the next Xbox

Rumours about the new Xbox (or Xbox 720, as it's often referred to as) are now more than just internet gossip.

It's one thing to wildly speculate about the next Xbox console. It's quite another to find out that Microsoft is gearing up to build one.

Recent job postings reveal that the Xbox Console Architecture team is hunting for new blood. Successful candidates will join a team that will be "responsible for defining and delivering next generation console architectures from conception through implementation."

It screams Xbox 720 (or whatever Microsoft chooses to call its new Xbox). So let's gather together the facts, the half-whispered untruths and the wishful thinking to see what such a machine might be like?

The Xbox 720 specs will be a significant technological leap forward

The Xbox 360 was launched in 2005, with the best technology that 2004 had to offer. Inside, it used a custom-made IBM Power PC with a trio of 3.2GHz cores and an ATI graphics processor.

Compare this ageing specification to a 2011 PC like the Scan 3XS Vengeance. It rocks the latest Core i7-2600K Sandy Bridge CPU, Nvidia GTX 580 graphics card, 1TB of onboard storage and 8GB of DDR3.

Cevat Yerli, the boss at Crytek, believes that the PC is effectively a generation ahead of the Xbox 360 and PS3. "As long as the current console generation exists and as long as we keep pushing the PC as well, the more difficult it will be to really get the benefit of both," Yerli spilled to Edge.

Something has got to give.

Xbox 720 storage and disc format

Cloud storage? We might not be ready to abandon physical media just yet. But Steam has served PC users well for several years and OnLive is turning heads.

The most obvious next-gen storage option for the next Xbox is Blu-ray. But Microsoft has refused to add it to the existing Xbox 360. Other alternatives? You'll find flag-wavers for flash drives, Nintendo-style game cartridges, even the resurrection of HD-DVD.

Xbox 720 processor and graphics

Considering that the Xbox 360 Slim now features a 'Vejle' CPU/GPU combo processor, KitGuru ponders the possibility of the new Xbox 720 getting a cutting-edge AMD Fusion chip. It's betting on the DX11-capable Krishna APU (Accelerated Processing Unit), due for release late 2012.

AMD reckons it will be a beast of a machine, pumping out graphics that offer Avatar-levels of detail. James Cameron's opus used CGI and 3D capturing, with each minute of footage costing $1 million to make. Not only will the console be capable of Avatar-style graphics, according to Neal Robison, AMD's director of ISV relationships, it will also feature improved artificial intelligence and physics capabilities.

This could mean that each individual incidental character ? like the pedestrians in Grand Theft Auto, for example ? could each take on their own individual personality.

The 'bigger, better, more' ethic is what makes the games industry tick. Eat Sleep Play founder David Jaffe suggests we desperately need a new generation of high-end consoles to keep producing 'blockbuster' games like Battlefield 3, Crysis 2 and LA Noire. "Gameplay travels very easily," Jaffe told IGN. "The spectacle doesn't."

EA's Frank Gibeau disagrees. "Obviously, more computing horsepower is nice, but to be honest, the Xbox 360 and PS3 still have a lot of horsepower that hasn't been tapped."

Epic's Mark Rein suggests that a tablet might be the shape of consoles to come. "Imagine a future Xbox 360 that is actually a tablet you carry around," Rein told Develop last year. "It will have more power than 360 does today, with technology like Kinect built right in?"

What about the Xbox 720 controller?

Love it/hate it, gesture-control is here to stay. Expect an improved version of Microsoft's Kinect hardware to be a prominent feature of any new Xbox. Kinect is currently the world's "fastest selling consumer electronics device" with sales topping 10 million. A Guinness World Record.

But the game pad will remain the input device of choice for veteran gamers. We can't imagine playing Gears of War 4 by waving our arms around. It lacks precision.

Could the next Xbox run Windows 8?

Microsoft wants to create an ecosystem of apps and games that work between Windows Phone, Windows and the next Xbox. But could that mean the new gaming console could run a variant of Windows 8 as Gamerant suggests?

The Xbox 720 release date is 2013. Or 2014. Or 2015?

Microsoft has said publically that the Xbox 360 will have (at least) a 10-year life lifespan to match the PS3. That puts a new Xbox launch into 2015?

Senior execs for a big US retailer told their shareholders in July 2011 that they don't expect the Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4 until 2014.

Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli feels that we're due a "new [console] generation in 2012, 2013." While M2 senior analyst Billy Pidgeon told NowGamer that, while he expects a Wii 2 to surface by 2012, he's "not expecting a next generation Xbox before Q4 2014."

The 2014-2015 timescale looks a good bet. Square Enix is already anticipating the Xbox 720 by planning to open a second Canadian development studio by 2012. "The new consoles from Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo will require more attention and more staff," said St�phane d'Astous. "We want to prepare ourselves."

Backing this up is a comment made by a designer who has worked with Microsoft, who implied that a new Xbox 2015 release date is set. In his online portfolio, Ben Peterson wrote "Microsoft Xbox. Confidential / Collaboration with Microsoft's IEB design group investigating future user experiences and hardware for 2015."

Alongside an angled image that doesn't give much away, he wrote: "Microsoft Xbox. Confidential / Collaboration with Microsoft's IEB design group investigating future user experiences and hardware for 2015. *Work samples only permissible in person.* (March 2011)."

Question marks hang over such information; who is Ben Peterson? Didn't he sign an NDA when working with Microsoft? Why is there no contact information on his online portfolio? Will he be allowed to live after such a faux-pas? Or is this all a traffic-mongering lie?

But the next Xbox could be showcased at E3 2012

The successor to Microsoft's Xbox 360 console is likely to be unveiled at E3 2012, according to a "high-ranking source at Crytek". They said that TimeSplitters 4 is being developed for the next-generation console, using Mircosoft's updated DX11 development tool. We're not so sure about that, but you never know...


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News: Bastion tops Xbox Live Arcade chart

While COD dominates XBL activity list.

Delightful action RPG Bastion has debuted at the top of the Xbox Live Arcade sales chart after its first week on sale.

As detailed over on Major Nelson's blog, Supergiant Games' acclaimed debut saw off competition from Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team and Deadliest Warrior: Legends to take the crown.

The full top 20, which only takes into account full purchases, looked like this:



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Strong home cinema sales buoy LG's faltering smartphone arm

LG have revealed their second-quarter 2011 financial results. And while the Korean firm claim to be back on track after the recession hit profits, it seems that their home cinema products are taking a lot of the flak for faltering...


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News: Red Faction: Armageddon sales disappoint

THQ points finger for poor financial results.

Sales of action sequel Red Faction: Armageddon didn't match THQ's expectations, the publisher has admitted.

Although it wouldn't offer any firm numbers, its earnings report for the first quarter of fiscal year 2012 noted that the game's performance was partly to blame for a dismal few months for the publisher.

THQ recorded a net loss of $38.4 million for the three months leading up to 30th June, compared to a loss of $30.4 million over the same period last year.



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Samsung Teletext Holidays app lets you browse the world from your Smart TV

The old style Teletext Holiday pages were a mean old thing. With the rain lashing down outside and you at your lowest ebb, Teletext Holidays was the perfect (and at the time, practically only) place to browse cheap holiday...


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News: Nintendo fears 3DS price cut backlash

Worried fans "may lose trust".

Nintendo has acknowledged fans "may lose trust" in the company due to the unprecedented nature of its announced 3DS price cut.

The drop in sale price will see a third sliced off the 3DS' European price. It takes place 12th August, less than five months after the console launched.

"Never in Nintendo's history have we dropped a system's trade price so significantly," the company conceded.



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News: Ultimate MVC3 originally DLC

Tsunami and health issues forced change.


Andriasang has now updated its story to add more detail. Producer Ryota Niitsuma said Capcom was planning on releasing download content for MVC3 following the game's March release. However, due to the earthquake and health issues, they changed this plan. The game we're getting in Ultimate has more content than was planned for the download content.

ORIGINAL STORY: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 was originally planned as downloadable content for Marvel vs. Capcom 3, according to a new report.



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Microsoft's Amy Winehouse "cash-in" tweet sparks backlash

Microsoft have sparked an angry repsonse from fans of the late soul singer Amy Winehouse, as the Redmond-based company appeared to be cashing in on the stars death by plugging their own Zune music service. Tweeting from the official Xbox...


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