Sunday, February 27, 2011

News: Ono: Street Fighter III scared off gamers

SFIV intended as a "happy class reunion".

Street Fighter III closed off Capcom's brawling franchise to all but the most experienced players, leading to a more inclusive revamp for the fourth entry in the series, producer Yoshinori Ono has revealed.

Speaking in a typically insightful interview with Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, Ono explained that, like his own game Shadows of Rome, the third entry in the long-running franchise was made with only die-hard fans in mind.

"They were also the loudest people who made their voices heard," he explained. "I really understood how they felt, so I thought their voices were everything. But I didn't realise there were other people to whom the game could not resonate with at all until just about four or five years ago."



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