Monday, February 21, 2011

Wii unlikely to receive a traditional Pokmon RPG title

Nintendos Q3 Financial Results Briefing reveals juicy Pokmon details, unfortunately not for Wii owners though

As part of Nintendos briefing last month, it has been revealed that the company has severalPokémon projects planned for the DS, 3DS and the Wii. According to Junichi Masuda, co-founder of Game Freak and director of Pokémon Black & White, a traditional Pokémon RPG on the Wii is unlikely.

Masuda believes that the core Pokémon series is best suited to a portable device. This is because Masuda believes the handheld hardware is as close to carrying Pokemon around with you as possible, which also allows communication and data transfer all the time, in what he calls "a match with the Pokémon concept."

However, Masuda also thinks that the home console allows people to get together and have fun, so he is curious to try something out with that in the future.

Source: IGN


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