Monday, March 28, 2011

Nintendo Download Update - Two for you sir

Two games this week, one for Wii and DSi owners - hooray!

A mere two games are available for download today, but at least both Wii and DSi owners will have the choice of something. Expect the updates leading up to the eShop inMay to get smaller and smaller. Although you cant get much smaller than this.


Wheres Wally? Fantastic Journey 1 (Ludia, 500 points) - Wally makes his debut on the little white box that could. This Wii version of the latest games has both singleplayer and multiplayer fun for you. Both involve around looking for Wally and his cohorts, who would have thought.


DodoGo! Robo (Neko Entertainment, 200 points) - The next game in the DodoGo! series. According to the American ratings board its a puzzle game where you guide eggs through a maze. Its only 200 points so if youre interested might be worth taking a punt.

- Fast Draw Showdown (WiiWare)


nintendo nintendo wii nintendo ds nintendo 3ds unboxing nintendocore

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