Thursday, March 31, 2011

Street Fighter X Tekken on 3DS should happen, says Ono

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition producer says it should, but will it?

In case you werent satisfied with Street Fighter, Dead or Alive and BlazBlue hitting the Nintendo 3DS in the near future, you could be looking forward to the "Street Fighter X Tekken" game heading to the system as well. Thats if Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition producer Yoshinori Ono has anything to say about it.

In a new interview, the eccentric producer has said in an entirely unconfirmed way that "personally speaking, it should happen. We should probably start making more noise about this. But officially, nothing has been considered yet." So at the moment its a pipe dream for Ono and many others but if you want it, make some noise.

What kind of noise? I hear theres a few thousand vuvuzelas in need of a home…

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition is out next week; oh, along with the Nintendo 3DS.

Source: Eurogamer


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