UPDATE: Play CEO Perkins responds.
Update: Play.com has issued Eurogamer the following statement attributed to company CEO John Perkins.
"On Sunday 20 March some customers reported receiving a spam email to email addresses they only use for Play.com. We reacted immediately by informing all our customers of this potential security breach in order for them to take the necessary precautionary steps."
"We believe this issue may be related to some irregular activity that was identified in December 2010 at our email service provider, Silverpop. Investigations at the time showed no evidence that any of our customer email addresses had been downloaded. We would like to assure all our customers that the only information communicated to our email service provider was email addresses. Play.com has taken all the necessary steps with Silverpop to ensure a security breach of this nature does not happen again."
Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-03-22-play-com-warns-of-security-breach
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