Heard it through the bovine.
What the bleating hell is this? Why it's the return of Tempest 2000 and Space Giraffe maker Jeff Minter, who's making a new game for iPhone called Deflex.
It's an iOS adaptation of a game as old as I am: Superdeflex from 1982.
Touch Arcade's preview describes a bonkers Breakout-style game with oxen, bulls, smileys and telephones rather than floating bricks. And rather than have a sliding paddle at the bottom of the screen you're given control of bats that don't appear until you press a button. Each press produces a bat that whacks the ball 90 degrees. Each subsequent bat flips the orientation of the existing bat.
Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-06-28-jeff-minters-new-iphone-game-deflex
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