Sunday, June 26, 2011

Update 3: EB Games to sell Ocarina of Time 3D starting tomorrow

Gametraders has stirred the hornets nest and EB is fighting back

 Update: 3: GAME to sell the game tomorrow as well we’ve confirmed (If stores have stock). Both EB and Game won’t have the game on the shelf, you will have to ask for it.

Update 2: EB Games has responded to us via their official twitter to our questions. "Hi @VOOK64, nice article, however we have not officially announced that we are selling tomorrow ;)". Read into that what you will. What does the wink mean, if anything?

Update 1: We asked and we recieved, here is the official comment from Nintendo Australia: "The official release date for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is the 30th of June".

In other words, well let’s just see what happens tomorrow. Will EB Games defy the street date? It looks like.

Original Story: We’ve received word that EB Games stores in Australia will begin selling The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D when their shipment arrives tomorrow. This comes after yesterday as Gametraders started selling European imports of the game a week early.

The stock EB carries will be the Australian stock and includes the Ocarina Edition that EB exclusively is stocking. This move will no doubt mean that the ‘street date’ on the game is broken and expect every other retailer with stock to move forward in selling the game.

Gametraders CEO Mark Langford has been commenting on Kotaku AU explaining why they have chosen to start selling import copies of the game early saying that “The logic behind selling this game early is that our stores take exception when publishers do exclusive deals with major corporations but they won’t offer the same deal to us, an an Australian owned company”.


Now EB Games, the company with the exclusive Ocarina Edition of the game has fought back with this move. It’s on folks.

We’ve contacted Nintendo Australia for comment; the copies EB will be selling are Australian and stock from Nintendo themselves. They are not going to be happy.


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