Friday, June 3, 2011

Games creators in no rush for PS4 or Xbox 720

The run-up to E3 each year is traditionally marked by a heady mix of a lot of marketing hype (from PRs and publishers) mixed in with a spectacular amount of rumour (from 'the internet') and a healthy dash of "let's-just-wait-and-see-shall-we?" cynicism (from seasoned games journalists).

The biggest pre-E3 hype this year is focused squarely on the final reveal of a new Nintendo home console (codename: Project Cafe) and a new handheld console from Sony (codename: Next Generation Portable).

Yet while there is clearly a lot of excitement amongst gamers and games developers around the fact that Nintendo is finally poised to reveal its successor to the Wii, it seems that games publishers are in no rush to push Sony or Microsoft for the 'next gen' PlayStation or Xbox .

Plenty of potential with PS3 and 360

Strauss Zelnich, the influential CEO of Take-Two, recently claimed that there is still "plenty of room to push the limits of creativity" on current console tech.

Zelnick told MCV this week: "If you exclude Wii - which one could argue is at least partially a different market than Xbox 360 and PS3 - the market is not in a depression.

"Moreover, we've seen and will continue to see huge growth in new forms of interactive entertainment. If you give consumers what they want - whether that's a social game on Facebook or a triple-A, multi-hour experience on a console - they'll come out for it.

"As for the technology itself," the Take Two CEO added, "we still have plenty of room to push the limits of creativity in the current console generation."

We expect to hear lots more on Nintendo's Wii 2/Project Caf� and on Microsoft and Sony's own plans for the future of gaming tech from E3 in LA next week.

Microsoft could well still amaze, shock and awe all of us with a new Xbox hardware announcement at E3 2011, but all signs to date are pointing towards a heavy focus on the latest Kinect experiences being the key messages coming out of Microsoft's E3 2011 conference next Monday.


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